
by Beyond Religion Beyond Science



How To Safe Yourself From Yourself
Discover Proven, But Little Known Strategies Of Resolving Self Sabotage, And Create An Unstoppable Success!

SELF SABOTAGE: How to Safe Yourself From Yourself clearly describes many areas observed in clinical practice and found to be common among many clients seeking help. These observable facts appears to have contributed to the failures of so many individuals.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, through an act of omission or commission, the choices made, tend to throw impediments on their own ways, making their goals difficult to achieve. The manifesting behavior not only prevent the anticipated goals from happening, but brings along with it the consequential frustration, sadness and anger. This book describes proven methods that have been successfully used by many as a springboard to success.

Resolving self-sabotage and imparting strategies to achieve your goals in life.


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